Kazakhstan Or Bust

A blog cataloging our trip to Kazakhstan to adopt a baby boy.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Before we get into the day, we need to give a “shout out” to some folks who are performing some special things for us. Now everyone…everyone has been so supportive of us and you all continue to be so by reading our blog and writing to us which keeps us going. We wanted today to give a special thanks to Anna who is watching our house and especially taking care of Lucy our cat; my parents for taking care of Bacio and Luigi; Tim, Vic, Simon and Margaux for taking Bacio and Luigi to the beach; and to Mrs. D for printing out and delivering the blog to my parents house so they can read about our experiences along with everyone else. We really appreciate all of your special efforts.

Today on the way to the baby house for our morning visit Olga told us today was another holiday in Kazakhstan. Today is Roditelskiy Den’ (Parents Day) a day to remember loved ones who have died and a day to visit their graves in honor and remembrance of them. Another tradition which is practiced in other countries but has not been fully incorporated in America. But one we wanted to learn more about. It was a sunny Spring day and the leaves are really starting to come out on the trees and the tulips are beginning to pop! When Joseph was brought in today he was in a great mood. The man was ready to play and that is exactly what we did. All the toys and all the books were out on his blanket ready for him. Laura and Joseph have established this outside tour routine. The go to the window each day and look out onto the back yard of the baby house. He loves looking outside and listening to Laura describe what is outside – what was there before and what has changed. It is really a nice, simple act which he just loves and it is something wonderful to watch as well. As you can see from the photo, the two of them have a great time also playing around on the blanket getting each other to laugh. He seems to really like having his face and head touched as you can see here as well.

If you remember from our talk with the doctor, she had indicated that she would like us to continue his massage and gymnastics. Olga had told us that she would try to arrange for us to see what this involves and so today Laura followed up with her about this. Olga checked into it and said that we would see it this morning! We were very curious to find out what this all meant and today was the day. When we had only 15 minutes left in our visit we thought it was not going to happen but then in walked Joseph’s masseuse! You can see that this is exactly what she looked like – all in white, blankets and towel, and a tube of massage cream! The man just loves it! She started with him on his back and his legs and feet. She really gives him a regular massage! She rubs his feet, flexes his toes and ankles, works his knees and hip joints too! He babbles and she answers and continues her work which is somewhere between massage and physical therapy. After working each leg really well, she moves up to his arms and chest. In the next photo you can see the boy with his shirt off and on his belly waiting for this back and butt rub – yes even a butt rub! We took a short movie and she even did the classic “karate chop” maneuver up and down his back as well as his chest. She gently thumps his chest and sides and rubs his shoulders. At one point I said to Olga how much he loves and who wouldn’t it! I think I have paid a $100 for such treatment at a fancy spa and this little guy gets it every 10 days for free! She then turns him over to do his chest, arms and hands. She works his arms and shoulder joints and really just gets him very relaxed and limber. We have never seen such treatment of babies and we think it is just fantastic! The doctor stopped by to see and coo at him. Laura and I are continually impressed by the care they give the children here – it is really amazing and touching! Not only was this great for us to see, but it resulted in us having an extra 15 minutes with him this morning and as they say the value of this time….priceless. We got him dressed and said good-bye until the afternoon.

Following the morning session we did not do much but take a walk as Olga was going with her family to the cemetery of her relatives. On the way back to the hotel and then during our walk, we saw so many people out walking towards the cemeteries. From couples to entire families, everyone was dressed up and usually carrying flowers. It was a really beautiful sight on such a gorgeous day in Uralsk. Laura and I did like many American’s do on a holiday – we headed for the mall. We wanted to do get a few things for Joseph including a new ball for him to play with as he likes them but most at the baby house are too big for him to hold. On the way to the Atrium to shop we passed by what we assume is a sports bar. It was another sign that Spring was here as they were setting up their outdoor café! It is going to be great to sit outside and have a beer in a café in Uralsk very soon! We did our shopping, scored a great ball for the boy and grabbed a pizza at MacJohns before heading back to the hotel.

As you all know the afternoon sessions are usually our music sessions and recently our outdoor time as well. Today was no different although the doctors were in today so Joseph had to have extra clothes on when going out. I think he had a onesie, a one piece outfit, two pairs of socks, a hat, a hooded one piece fleece-like suit and a shoes. Now he has been getting over his cold so it probably was not that much but…maybe a tad much for the nice weather outside. They are just so diligent in keeping these guys well that you can not disagree with it. Joseph really likes to go outside and likes to people watch! We think he is going to just love being in Chicago and watching all the people and things going on around him. We walked around the playground and then went outside the yard to see Igor and the car. Olga thought it was a good idea to get him used to seeing the car and being inside of it before taking him home – a day we are so excited about getting here! When I introduced him to Igor we found out that one of Igor’s sons is named Maxim too! We sat in the car and Joseph had a somewhat bewildered look on his face but was not really bothered by the experience so that is a plus. Well after a bit more of walking around Laura thought we should head back in for our musical play time – it is a favorite of all three of us.

After getting Joseph undressed we made our way to the blanket and cranked up the CD player he/we received before we left for our trip. We have tried several CD’s as you all know but the last two days we have found that Joseph just seems to like hearing Neil Diamond! Ya give the boy a little Kentucky Woman and he is in heaven! The arms are going, the legs are going and mom and dad are singing – it really is a good time. We have not introduced him to Sweet Caroline yet but you’ve got to know its time is coming! Although he still has a bit of a cold it does not seem to bring him down as much and certainly you can’t see it when the music is playing or when we are blowin’ raspberries on his belly.

Well folks, another good day in Uralsk with Joseph. We were able to experience another Kazakhstan tradition (also Russian) in Roditelskiy Den’ and to see Joseph getting a rub down. In preparing for our trip we were often asked why Kazakhstan? Many people would ask about our reasons for traveling so far considering the need for all the paperwork and questions, the 14 days of visits, the interview with the Ministry of Education etc. It became evident today that it is because of all of those things and more that we chose Kazakhstan. At the same time that people were gathering their families with flowers in hand to travel to honor and visit the graves of their loved ones, a woman, working in a simple “baby house”, was just doing her job of making sure one of the many children were receiving a special touch and rub to keep their bodies healthy and limber. It may be her job but it was a work of love from a people that care for their children and families and have given Laura and I such a special gift as Joseph. What a day in Uralsk….


At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog everynight and think about the three of you all the time. The smile on all three faces says it all. Please let me know if there is anything i can do stateside. vicki

At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Cuz - please stop making tears come to my eyes!!! Geez - never knew you had such a way with words! You are a beautiful writer. Anyway.... I don't think I have ever seen such an awesome picture. You and Joseph look like you are having the time of your life!! That deserves a special spot in your house - blown up to poster size!!


At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura & Brian,
Thanks for the shout out but certainly not necessary. It's a pleasure to read your journal each day and print it for your Mom & Dad. Bri, we think you've missed your calling as each entry is so heartfelt and one can feel the love all the way across the globe.
Today's picture of Brian & Joseph enjoying a good laugh brought tears to our eyes (as if all the others didn't). Please know that everyone is sending their love to you. Mr & Mrs D

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Joseph enjoys Neil Diamond, perhaps America may be appropriate for the trip home?

3 day reader, first time poster
Phillip Vargas

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick and I have been reading your blog all the time. Your little Joseph is a cutie. Brian you write so beautifully, you bring tears to my eyes. Dick & Di

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More tears from me, too, Bri! Your account of everything from your funny breakfasts to your sincere appreciation of how everyone seems to care so much--it's absolutely beautiful. I'm surrounded every day by thousands of books (15,000 give or take) and not one of them even comes close! What an amazing keepsake this will all be for Joseph one day...

Laura, I just wonder if your smile muscles are ever gonna recover! We're thinking of you all the time and wondering where to send your very first Mother's Day card!

Oh, and some of us are wondering whether you brought along any Elvis (guess who).

We'll keep reading and wishing you all the best in the days to come.

Love you all three!!
Terry, Sue, Vinnie and Charlie

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Laura Brian and, of course, Joseph.
I have never seen anything like this. Your families are so fortunate to be able to keep up with you at an important time like this. The pictures are as you say, priceless. The country is quite interesting isn't it? Again many happy days to you.

Marlene Gellner

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, Brian and the little guy,
How about that Joseph, having someone massage you like that every
ten days. Sounds like they really take good loving care of the
babies while they are there.
That holiday of honoring parents and other loved ones who have
died--the closest I can think of here in the states would be
Memorial day even though that originally honors our war dead, we
also put flowers on our relative's graves too.
I agree with that one comment that the Neil Diamond song Comin'
to America is very appropriate.
He will get used to an automobile before too long. It's also good
that he is coming to Chicago in the spring and summertime when he
can be outside a lot.
Brian, your daily reports are more like a travellog. Very
interesting to read them each day.
May 10 is getting closer.

From Bob and John

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for both of you. Joseph is beautiful!

Jim, Cricket & Celina DiCiaula


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