Kazakhstan Or Bust

A blog cataloging our trip to Kazakhstan to adopt a baby boy.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Drool, Churches and Cemeteries…now that’s a day

The start of our first Monday in Kazakhstan started pretty much the same as our weekend days in Kazakhstan – the carton of yogurt, the delicious Kazakh oatmeal and the equally predictable questions from the hotel waitress “eggs? Omelet? Toast?” We are not sure if at the hotel, all they serve hot for breakfast are eggs/omelets or is that Americans may be thought of as egg eaters for breakfast. Anyway, the choices are getting a bit old but we are hanging in there as everyone is very pleasant and polite in accepting our attempts with Russian words. As we left the hotel our driver Igor was waiting as usual with a big smile and a “hello, good night sleep?” He is really a great guy and seems to get a kick out my electronic language translator (Thanks, Margie) and my phrase book. I try to search for funny phrases as he says he speaks “English – little” but nonetheless my attempts at phrases like “lets grab a drink” in Russian seems to make him laugh.

This morning at the baby house Joseph arrived in the cute outfit Laura had provided today along and with the outfit from Sunday and a shirt – they dressed him in three layers of clothes to keep him warm…in a room in which made me wonder if I was getting sick or was it just warm inside (…two independent sources confirmed it was warm inside!). This of course was because Joseph is still nursing a cold that you can hear and feel in his chest but it is getting better. We had a good morning visit but once again made mostly of hugs, kisses and some reading of books. He really likes his teething ring and goes right for it with both hands. The clenched fists which greeted us at first are rarely seen anymore which is really nice. The morning hour ended quickly and we packed up and headed to the “big market” with Olga our interpreter. This was an indoor mall like place with very small boutiques and shops. We were interested in some KZ bumper stickers but we need to go back at the beginning of May. I also wanted to get a cable for my iPOD and although I saw the parts in a store it quickly appeared to me that I would have to assemble it myself – solder and all. I took a pass this time but will keep looking for a complete cable. We stopped at the bakery and purchased several pastries filled with meat, meat & cabbage and just cabbage which were delicious in taste but am not convinced they have not started to “say hello” to us this evening – we will see.

This afternoon was another good but quiet visit. Joseph as you can see from the photo was a bit drooly but was moving around a bit on his stomach and dancing when on his back. We are working with him on sitting up on his own and he seems to get the concept but needs some more practice. It is really just fun hanging out with him and waiting for that smile or giggle which may just pop out every now and then. We tell him about Luigi, Bacio and Lucy and to be prepared for a bunch of kisses from his face to his feet – we can not wait to see all of that! Laura had a great idea and had given Olga a little book to translate our questions to the caregivers into as well as the answers. She also asked for the caregivers to write a note to Joseph that he could read later in life. Today we received that book back from Olga and it was very informative about his likes and dislikes – a good eater, not a great sleeper, loves music and loud toys as well as other kids etc… The caregivers also wrote some very nice words wishing him health and happiness; congratulating him on having a family (Us!); to be strong and to remember his home town as he gets older. I think he will really appreciate his Mom’s efforts with this one. He seemed to be feeling better by the end of the visit but then it was time to go until Tuesday when we will start again. Although sad about having to leave Joseph, we were looking forward to this afternoon as we were scheduled for the famous “Uralsk Excursion” with Olga and Igor.

The excursion was quite nice and included many war memorials (May 9th is Victory Day and is a holiday here) two churches and a cemetery. The first church was a great surprise as we got an impromptu tour by one of the priests – he was very nice and quite proud of his church. He told us about a famous saint (can not remember his name) who was portrayed in a hanging along with a relic (a rock). Although his story was long and involved we felt our interpreter gave us the Reader’s Digest version which we still could not follow (or she had difficulty interpreting). They offered and then removed the glass in front of the icon just so I could touch my own medals (crucifix, St. Joseph and St. Francis) to it. It was very generous and moving to see his devotion. The priest told us to remember the church and the saint as he helps all those in need that pray to him. The colorful flowers you see in the photo are actually cemetery flower arrangements which were being sold across the road. All in all it was a great time and the only thing we forgot was to go for ice cream which I promised everyone – something to look forward to doing tomorrow. See you all of you tomorrow where you will find out if I chose eggs or omelet…perhaps neither….hmmm…

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At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, Brian and Joseph,
We love to check your site throughout the day to see your latest adventure with baby Joseph. He is such a cutie-pie! We can't wait to give him a big hug when he gets home to Chicago.

Auntie Karen and Uncle Chris

At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph is so adorable! Sounds like you're having a great time getting to know each other and the country. It's been fantastic reading about your awesome adventure--we're so glad you set this up, we feel like we're participating! It's like you're emailing from Chicago instead of half a world away. You're in our thoughts and our hearts every day! We'll keep checking in--hoping Joseph keeps feeling better and that you enjoy your egg omlette. Love you all three!! Terry, Sue, Vinnie & Charlie

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roman Family,

Emily says Joseph looks like his daddy! Looks like things are going great. Sounds like the people are fantastic and that Joseph has both of you wrapped around his finger.

We all wish you the best.
Jim, Tina, Emy, Steven and Tracy

At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok i think i finally got this down. hope you got my earlier regular emails. joseph is adorable and looks alot like you. laura you look like a natural with joseph. sounds like you are really embracing the experience. love the blog. vicki

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Brain and Laura! I took the liberty of forwarding your blogspot to some of your friends in the neighborhood. Comments: from Vivian - "I am crying at work as I read this" and Marika "what a Kaczak face little Joseph has!" (this was a compliment from a Ukrainian, in case there is any doubt). Thanks for letting us share in your joy.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roman and Laura, Margie Isaacson sent me your link and I'm so thrilled to read about your experience in this incredible land. Joseph has a beautiful Kazakh face--he's incredible! It's quite interesting to read about Orthodoxy and Russian aspects of life in Kazakhstan--are you dealing with primarily Russian nationals or Kazakhs? Mary Szpur

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roman family!!!! Joseph you are adorable....and me Lorenzo Vale and Filippo we can't wait to see you here in chicago and play together...I have tears in my eyes right now...and Filippo does not know what's going on!!!!!We are just so happy for you...and we want more pictures more pictures!!!!!
Love Manu

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz! Wow! This blog is awesome! It is great keeping up with all of your travels and adventures and days with Joseph (by the way - what a cutie!) And so glad things are working out so well over there and you are being well taken care of. Lots of pizza and eggs......hmmm... !! Keep up the blog - i look forward to it everyday and seeing the happy families smiling faces (and drool)! Can't wait to meet Joseph in June when I get out to Chicago! Hi to Laura! Love ya! Karen

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first chance I have had to take a peek at your site. (ARs are done today, Laura!)What a breathtaking moment to see Joseph's picture-drool and all! Happy all is well,
Love to the Roman family,

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura and Brian,

It is truly amazing where life can take you. Joseph is beautiful and has such warm, inquisitive eyes. Mike and I will keep you in our thoughts and can not begin to express the joy we hold for you in our hearts. Congratulations!
Chris and Mike Larry

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura and Brian,
COngratulations! Sounds like you are really enjoying the experience and you are both naturals. What a great group of folks you are working with. Can't wait to hear more.

B- He would be proud

Cousin Rob

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys!! I am back in town and now had a chance to read every word. Exciting to read about your adventure. Joseph is adorable!!! We are sooo happy for you guys. This is an adventure you will hold dear to your heart forever. I think I have the blog and email figured out now...took me awhile. (went to a state school!) What a great idea to keep us informed. Anyway I will look forward to reading daily. Keep the updates coming. Give Joseph a big hug and kiss. The girls saw the pictures and asked if he will come play on the swing set! Talk to you again soon.
Love Anthony and Angie.

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Laura Brian and, of course, Joseph. I have never seen anything like this. Your families are so fortunate to be able to keep up with you at an important time like this. The pictures are as you say, priceless. The country is quite interesting isn't it? Again many happy days to you. Marlene Gellner


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